2024 State of the Town
2024 was an exciting year for the Town of Boonsboro.
The Sludge Dewatering Press was installed and is fully-functional – already saving the Town thousands of dollars in waste removal.
After years of planning, the Reservoir Replacement Project is finally moving forward, and at a cost much lower than anticipated.
Despite a few delays, the new Shafer Park Well is almost complete.
The Chase Six Blvd & Campus Avenue Realignment is inching forward and construction should begin in the next couple of months.
Several new businesses opened around town, and the National Road Museum officially opened, which includes the Boonsboro Welcome Center.
Unfortunately, not everything has been positive this year. The Town of Boonsboro lost a beloved man in March with the untimely passing of Police Chief Kevin Morgan. Kevin was a great man, an excellent Police Officer, and a friend. Not a day goes by that he isn’t missed by all who knew him.
We hope Kevin would be proud of how we have built up the Boonsboro Police Dept since his passing. Dave Rizer was appointed our new Chief of Police and he has added four new officers: Billy Gilbert, Rob Whittington, Jim Sword and James Rogers.
In addition, the Town welcomed Mike Olthof to the Water and Wastewater Department, and Rachel Souders as the new Town Manager.
All in all, we’re grateful for such a successful 2024 and optimistic about what is to come in 2025.
Mayor Howard Long