Planning & Zoning Department
The Boonsboro Planning & Zoning Department is here to answer any questions or concerns you may have about building permits, zoning procedures, annexation and opening of new businesses.
The Department is also available to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding stormwater management. The Planning & Zoning Department, in coordination with the Public Works Department, began implementing a federally required stormwater program in 2019.
Drew Bowen
Town Planner, Zoning Administrator, & Code Enforcement Officer
Office Phone: 301-432-5690
Email: townplanner@townofboonsboro.com
Please see the bottom of the page for Planning and Zoning Applications.
When is a Permit needed?: A permit is required for all new construction, structural alterations, remodeling and additions to existing buildings, changes of use groups, new or replaced signs, fences taller than 6 feet, sheds, decks, and swimming pools.
Building permits are not required for:
- Fences less than 6 feet (72 inches) in height
- Landscaping walks or retaining walls less than 3 feet (36 inches) in height per Washington County regulations
- Exterior painting
- Flag poles
- Replacement of windows and doors of same existing dimensions
- Ordinary maintenance
- Patios and flat slabs
To apply for a permit, you simply need to visit Boonsboro's Town Hall. You will need to submit 3 scaled plot plans, 3 copies of construction plans, and a list of the construction materials that will be used. After your application is received, it is reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. An application is reviewed for all applicable Zoning and Building Code regulations. The building permit is then forwarded to Washington County for final approval of the application.
When Washington County approves the building permit application, it will be sent back to Boonsboro's Town Hall along with a permit placard. The Zoning Administrator will call you when your permit arrives so that you may come in and pick it up.
An approved building permit is valid for 6 months from the date of issue. The building period must begin within that 6 month period unless an extension is requested.
Demolition Permits are required for all demolition projects. You must file scaled drawing and documentation stating that hazardous materials will not be removed. Demolitions permits within the Town Center District will be stringently reviewed to protect the Historic Downtown area.