*Swap & Recycle Event - Sponsored by Boonsboro Green Fest


Big Swap and Recycling Event in Boonsboro, May 10

The Boonsboro Green Fest committee is sponsoring a Swap and Recycling Event in Shafer Park in Boonsboro on Saturday, May 10 from 9am - 2pm.

Clothing for the swap will be collected on Friday, May 9 beginning at 3pm at Pavilion 1. If possible, please separate and label bags: Boys, Girls, Mens, Womens, etc. to help with sorting.

A full list of items to be recycled will be available soon, but please note that we will not be collecting appliances containing Freon/refrigerants or household trash.

So mark your calendars now and be ready to Swap and Recycle usable goods. This event is open to the public and not limited to the residents of Boonsboro. If you are able to volunteer at the event or help with set-up and/or clean-up, please reach out to the committee at info@boonsborogreenfest.com.

**Horizon Goodwill and Hagerstown ReStore will be collecting donations. Children in Need will receive remaining clothing from the swap. Monetary donations from the clothing swap will be collected for Michah's Backpack.


Shafer Park
37 Park Dr,
Boonsboro, MD  21713-1020
Get Directions