Stormwater Management in Boonsboro

Stormwater runoff comes from precipitation events (e.g. rain, snow, etc.) that cause water to flow over land or impervious surfaces, such as the roads, parking lots, rooftops and other surfaces within the Town of Boonsboro that do not allow for the natural infiltration of precipitation events.  
The Town of Boonsboro has its own MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) that handles stormwater runoff and other conveyances within the municipal boundary of Boonsboro. 
If you would like to report a stormwater concern, water quality concern, or illicit discharge, please fill out all of the elements of the form below and click "Submit." If you would rather speak to someone in Town Hall directly about your concern, please call either 301-432-5141 or 301-432-5690. 

All fields marked with * are required
MS4 Educational Flyers Great information explaining Stormwater!!

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