You know that Boonsboro's Main Street is part of the historic National Road. But how much do you really know about the history that runs right through our town?
Join us Thursday, January 16th at the NEWEST museum in Maryland, and the ONLY one devoted entirely to the "road that built a nation". The National Road Museum has been a labor of love for a small group of dedicated volunteers and it is finally open- right here in Boonsboro! The museum tells the intriguing story of America's first federally funded highway, often called "America's Main Street", through high-quality visual exhibits that include historic photos and artifacts. Come out and learn about this national landmark at a museum that is truly a local treasure.
Boonsboro networking events, brought to you by the Boonsboro Economic Development Commission, provide an opportunity for local business owners and civil leaders to network while learning more about their community!
6:00-6:45: Food, Networking, Viewing Museum Exhibits
6:45-7:15: Welcome & Announcements from EDC
Introduction of Special Guests and Hosts
National Road Heritage Foundation President Richard Keesecker and Rueben Moss, Executive Director of Museums, will welcome the group and introduce their board members, give the history of the newly opened Nation Road Museum and discuss the mission of the foundation.
7:15-8:00: Viewing Museum Exhibits and Networking Continue
Drawing for Boonsboro mug and free meal at upcoming networking event.