Opening a Business in the Town of Boonsboro
The following is a list of suggested steps to follow when considering opening a business within the Corporate Boundaries of the Town of Boonsboro:
- Contact the Town Planner for the Town of Boonsboro, at 301-432-5690 or to find out whether the type of business is permitted at the proposed location.
- IF the business is in a location that has never been served as a commercial enterprise before, contact Washington County Department of Plan Review and Permitting at 240-313-2460 to discuss the required Change In Use Permit required for a business to locate within a structure.
- Contact the Washington County Clerk’s Office at 301-790-7991 to discuss the requirements for a business license.
- Obtain a Zoning Permit from the Planning & Zoning Department of the Town of Boonsboro, located at 21 North Main Street. Office Hours are Monday through Thursday, 8am to 4:30pm. The Zoning Permit is required in order to obtain a business license and costs a one-time fee of $165.00.
Depending on the type of business and the proposed location; different steps and processes may be required.