Yard Debris Rules & Regulations


Monroe Road Yard Debris Lot
The yard debris site located on Monroe Road (just passed the Little League Field and Waste Water Treatment Plant) will be made accessible to Town residents Saturday from 8AM until 12 Noonduring the Spring, Summer and Fall months.

The lot will be open during the Winter months on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 8AM until 12 noon.

A permit is required to access the Town's lot and can be obtained 'free of charge'
during normal business hours by providing proof of residence at Town Hall.

  • If using bags, "brown paper" lawn bags must be used for grass, leaves & garden debris - No plastic trash bags
  • No stone, sod, flower pots or other trash should be mixed in with debris
  • If a resident removes a large tree or hires a contractor to trim or remove trees and/or shrubbery, it is the responsibility of the resident to pay the contractors to haul the material away.

Monday Brush & Yard Debris Pick-Up

The Town will provide curbside brush and yard debris pick-up on Monday mornings during the Spring and Summer months. Please place your lawn bags at your curbside Sunday evening.  

  • Place your brown paper lawn bags at your curbside Sunday evening. No Plastic bags. Bags that are left out all week may become wet and will be impossible to lift. Please do not place them on the street, especially if it is raining. 
  • Please do not put the bags out in the rain...they turn to mush.
  • No more than 8 bags per household, weighing no more than 30 pounds each per bag. If you can’t lift the bags, neither can our Public Works staff.
  • No dirt, mulch, stone, sod, flower pots, plastic bags or other trash should be mixed in with the debris in the bags. Bags will not be picked up if these items are inside.
  • Branches must be no thicker the 4-inches in diameter and cut to a length of 4-feet. A maximum of 10 branches per household, tied into bundles, will be picked-up.